Thursday, November 8, 2007

expectation - friend or foe?

Today is Thursday. My first date was on Sunday and the second one was on Tuesday. Right now, I’m so fucking amazed by him. I’m just speechless. He seems so great. He takes care of me. He’s worried about me. He jokes with me. He has serious conversations with me. He calls me so often. He skypes with me. He’s just so cool. How should I stop my feelings from going too far in too short period of time? Everyone keeps telling me “there is no rush, don’t hurry”. And what’s more I sincerely agree with that. But I just can’t do it! Even he told me this and I agreed with him. He just wants to enjoy the moment and see what the future will bring. I guess that’s the best solution for now. But… I just cannot stop thinking. Thinking about the city we could live together in the future, thinking if I could convince him to move to Europe, or if I could stay here for good. Or thinking that it cannot work out. Because of the distance, of too many differences, of too many obstacles and all that stuff. But on the other hand, you should fight for your love. I told him that. I told him that I would fight for my love and do my best to be together and overcome everything on the way to happiness. I didn’t say his name but obviously I was considering that. Now, someone should slap me really hard. STOP THINKING! STOP BUILDING EXPECTATIONS! Everyone around you says truth. There’s no rush. It’s just been a few days. You don’t know him that well… That’s all right. I agree. I just need to start thinking like this. Not going too far in envisioning future.

I've found a video perfectly reflecting my state. It's about love (someone please, slap me for saying this word), takes place in Paris (slap2) and its name is "come what may" (good approach!). I should "come what may".

Enjoy it!

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