Thursday, April 17, 2008

long distance relationships

I had a nice conversation with my flat mate recently. She comes from Europe and has a boyfriend back in her country. They are facing some difficulties now. It's the first time they are so far away from each other.

What I noticed by asking questions was that probably, they are in different reality right now and they are experiencing the relationship in different conditions - it's the first time that the distance plays such an important role. Before they were happy being together. Now, they're less happy and more confused. Does it mean that something is wrong? Yes, of course! They are not a long distance relationship persons. They don't work well when distance is in between. But as soon as they're back everything will be sorted out.

What's the lesson for me?
I am not a long distance relationship person either! I thought I was but it's bullshit. First of all, I can't be in an LDR when it's just about that start. It simply won't work. After a while of being together (physically in one city) it might work out if the period is not too long. But I know I will not feel happy when I'm far. I just don't feel happy in such a relationship. So no point in being in a one.

I am moving to Western Europe in September. I will live in a culture that I understand better and where people are more similar. My "relationship" life is officially over here in Northern Africa. Just a place for random fun.

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