Sunday, December 9, 2007

on line chatting

Some people are afraid of chatting on line but I guess I may share my experience related to that and convince you that it is not that bad (it is said that one out of eight couples in the US met on line).

Before I go to the point I’ll just update you with my life. My relationship is going fine. He had some family problems recently which made me a bit sad because he was sad and because we couldn’t meet. I also started talking about the future (it’s not actually about the future but rather about his long term goals and where a relationship fits in these goals – I say “a relationship” because I don’t mean our relationship. I just want to know in general. It’s a topic for another post that I will probably write after our next meeting that will take place tomorrow maybe).

So today, I was really bored and I started chatting just to have something to do. I had a lot of crappy conversations – that’s normal. But among all of them I met one cool guy. We had a really nice conversation. And these are the reasons why one should try it. Even if you have one cool chat out of ten shitty ones it’s still worth for this one, isn’t it? I am still in touch with some people that I started chatting and we have really nice conversations.

So people! Go on line and don’t be afraid! As I once said to my friend. Psychopaths are often in movies, in the real lives they are much more rare :)

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