Monday, September 24, 2007


So, here we go! I've just started a relationship and after a few weeks I'm freaking out.

I was out of the city for a few days and so was he. I was having a visit of my family and he attended a conference. He emailed me on Saturday and although I received it I didn't reply. For different reasons I was extremely tired. Alright, and I wanted to see how he would react if I didn't reply the same day. So on Sunday, he emailed me again writing about his day, last hours of the conference and bla bla bla. But he started his email with "It's me - that cool dude from ****** - just in case you have forgotten!!" (**** is the name of the city where he comes from - irrelevant here). Of course I replied as soon as I could saying sorry and all that stuff.  No response from him so far - almost 24 hours...

And now I'm only wondering - is he really mad or something? But the most important questions is whether he's this type of person who shows to whole world his dissatisfaction when something doesn't go as he wants it. Is he that demanding type of a guy? That makes me scared because this thing crashed my last relationship. And I don't wanna have the same dramas anymore. Do we tend to get involved in relationships with same kind of people? Brrr... I hope not! That would be frightening!

Ok, I'm exaggerating! Let's wait for more positive signs of contacts! No more drama!

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