Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Who I really am - part deux

My gmail account enlightened me again with its insightful ideas expressed via adsense ads (ads adjusted to you according to the content of your emails).

A friend of mine and I exchanged a few emails regarding our past break-ups and the first thing I saw next to our conversation was:

'Discover and prove a love affair!
A wire-tapping device of computer conversations - easy in use and discreet.'

Well, that time gmail was not that genius. I would rather expect to see something like:

'An asshole-discovering device. Make sure the guy you are dating is not an asshole.'


'A device measuring the willingness to commit. Easy in use, cheap and practical. Learn in five minutes whether your boyfriend has commitment issues and break up before you badly get hurt.'

Let's pray scientists invent it one day. I am the first to buy.

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