Wednesday, July 2, 2008

I am negative

On Monday, I went to take the HIV test. Luckily, I didn't have to wait for the result too long. It was only on the next day. It is negative. I'm so relieved.

It was a nightmare to wait for the result. I was freaking out. I was most of the times pretty careful but I can't say I was super careful. The doctor conducting the survey before taking the blood told me that I was in the high-risk group. Because oral sex without condoms. She said it was a mistake to think that you can't get HIV like this. It's also dangerous and it's better to give/receive a blowjob with a condom.

It was such a relief to hear that the result was negative.

Now, I know I will be more careful.

There are 3 ways to protect yourself from getting HIV:
-stopping having sex,
-being faithful to one partner,
-protecting yourself with a condom.

I have already chosen. It's the second one.

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