Tuesday, December 2, 2008

'you only live once?'

‘Now that we broke up I have more time for my friends, for going out and for having some social life’ told me my friend who had broken up with her boyfriend after around five years – this is the same couple that I wrote about in the previous post.

The first thing that made me wonder was why she said she had more time for friends and social life having finished the relationship… Is it unfeasible to have both - a successful relationship and friends with social life as well? Can’t we have it all? Can we live our lives twice at the same time? Or is it incompatible to have the one and the other? And if we can have it all is it only for a short period of time? Until the days when we become boring, resign from exciting lives because we think we cannot have it all and then we buy a house in the suburbs, furnish it with IKEA stuff and then get a dog of labrador breed? Let me just remind you of the swinging couple from a few posts ago.

And I want to be like them.
Excluding the swinging part obviously.

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