I spent my last few months in the Southern Hemisphere living in sort of a red light district. It was full of prostitutes, massages salons, brothels and other happy facilities that are usually to be easily found in such a neighborhood. My house itself used to be a brothel until a few months before me moving in but this story requires a separate post with its undivided attention to all that goes with living in an ex-brothel.
Being a resident of a red light district comes with a lot of unwanted (unplanned or unexpected might be more appropriate words) encounters with local prostitutes. They usually hit on you and compliment you just so that you could become their next client. Most of the times, they (the female ones) have a very bad gaydar and they incorrectly pre-screen me for their potential client. Little do they know about my sexual preferences.
One night however, it all took a totally different turn.
It was an uneventful Sunday night when I was walking home after a dinner with friends. I noticed a pair of prostitutes and a guy from the distance. I could not tell whether the guy was a client or a pimp. While I approached I realized that one of the prostitutes was quite manly and must have been a transvestite or a trans-sexual. I suddenly felt she would start talking to me soon but it was too late to run away. A few seconds later (s)he asked me 'Hey darling, do you want a blowjob?' I smiled and I kindly declined. 'Maybe you want to give me one?'. I was not expecting that kind of offer at all. I quickly accelerated the pace of my walk and disappeared behind the corner without opening my mouth to avoid having to produce any answer to the second proposition. I was speechless or maybe just I simply did not want to open my jaws. It was quite an experience.
Some boys-turned-girls can simply make it one way or another. They have it all - and that includes both male and female genitalia.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
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